Travel Agent Salary Information

People may think that being a travel agent is a dream job because of the perks that come with the job. They have access to deep discounts on tickets and trips, and they help advise individuals on how to travel to their dream destinations. However, before becoming a travel agent, consider if the income opportunities are suitable for you.



  • Travel agents can work for tour operators and private travel agencies as wage or salaried employees. They are usually paid by the hour, which ranges from $10 to $20 per hour. They act as consultants to travelers and sell them airline tickets and travel packages.

Average earnings

  • According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, many factors affect the salary of a travel agent, including experience, sales ability, and the size and location of the agency. Average annual earnings of travel agents in 2006 ranged from $29,210 to $46,270 (see Resources).


  • Instead of working for agencies, travel agents can work from home. They are independent agencies that have affiliations with consolidators and wholesalers to be able to sell flight and hotel packages to travelers. Instead of getting paid a salary or commission, these agents usually place their own mark-up on a travel package.

Other Compensation

  • Though their salaries are low, travel agents receive many travel benefits and incentives. Selling a number of group travel packages may garner a travel agent a free trip, depending on the airline or cruise company.


  • Some travel agents who are just starting in the business supplement their income by taking another job to support themselves. According to, the average salary of a travel agent in their first year is $29,000 to $32,000. Travel agents may also charge service fees to their customers to make additional income (see Resources).

Read more: What Is the Salary of a Travel Agent? |